How to Prevent Heartworm and Other Parasite-Borne Diseases
June 21st, 2024
Parasite prevention is key for your pet’s health and well-being. Parasites, both internal and external, can cause significant distress and severe illness. At Newport Center Animal Hospital, we offer comprehensive parasite prevention services, including flea and tick prevention, heartworm testing, deworming, and protection against intestinal parasites. As the age-old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
What Are Pet Parasites?
Pet parasites live inside your pet or attach to the body, causing discomfort, illness, and even death without treatment. Aside from carrying disease and infection, parasites can sometimes affect a pet’s ability to absorb nutrients and damage the intestinal tract lining. Not only is preventing external and internal parasites critical, but it is also essential to recognize the symptoms of infestation to take immediate action to safeguard your furry companion’s health.
What Are Common Pet Parasites?
The following are the most common parasites posing a threat to household pets:
Fleas: Fleas are common in Newport Beach, typically found outdoors, on other animals, and can even hitch rides into homes. Despite their small size, fleas can jump several feet to attach to your pet’s coat. Common signs of flea infestation include itching, biting the skin, skin irritation, and even bald spots of fur.
Ticks: Ticks are blood-sucking parasites typically found on the face, ears, legs, or belly. They can cause serious health conditions like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Disease. Signs of tick infestation may include redness, itching, fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Untreated, tick-borne diseases can lead to severe health problems and can even be fatal.
Heartworms: Heartworms are transmitted through mosquito bites, posing a serious and often deadly threat to pets. Once inside your pet, heartworms can reproduce multiple times, potentially growing up to one foot in length. Heartworms usually live in the heart chambers but can also infect the lungs and blood vessels, causing severe health issues and potentially death by obstructing blood flow. Symptoms of heartworm infection may include cough, rapid breathing, fatigue, a bulging chest, and sudden collapse.
Intestinal Parasites: In addition to heartworms, pets are at risk from intestinal parasites like hookworm, roundworm, and tapeworm. These live in the digestive system, posing a significant threat to your pet’s health. Symptoms of intestinal parasites may include diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, a bloated abdomen, scooting, or visible worms in feces.
Pet Parasite Prevention
Preventing parasites is much easier and safer than treating existing infestations and their complications. Our skilled and experienced veterinary team at Newport Center Animal Hospital will outline your options and work with you to develop a customized parasite control program for your pet’s unique needs.
Here’s a look at some of our parasite prevention services:
- Flea and Tick Prevention: We are happy to offer a range of topical treatments and oral medications for maximum protection based on your pet’s breed, size, and unique needs.
- Heartworm Prevention: Monthly heartworm pills can help prevent infection, safeguarding your pet’s health.
- Routine Check-ups: Regular wellness visits, blood work, and fecal testing can help detect heartworm and intestinal parasites, ensuring prompt treatment for your furry friend.
- Deworming: Regular deworming treatments help eliminate internal parasites, preventing their devastating impacts on your pet’s health.
Parasite Prevention Near Me in Newport Beach, CA
Parasite protection for your furry friend is a year-round commitment, and we at Newport Center Animal Hospital are here to help. Our experienced veterinary team will recommend the best prevention methods for your pet’s unique needs. We invite you to contact our office at 949-644-5460 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!