Why Should You Get Your Pet Microchipped?
March 11th, 2024
Losing a beloved pet is one of the most heartbreaking experiences pet parents can face. Our dedicated veterinary team at Newport Center Animal Hospital strongly advocates for microchipping to dramatically increase the chances of a joyful reunion if your furry friend ever wanders off. If your beloved pet is not microchipped, don’t wait – contact us to schedule an appointment today!
What Are Microchips?
Microchips are electronic devices about the size of a grain of rice that offer a permanent and reliable solution for pet identification. These tiny chips are implanted under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. They hold a unique ID linked to your contact information.
Unlike tracking devices, microchips do not have any battery sources and do not transmit signals. Instead, they rely on special scanners that are readily available at most veterinary practices or pet shelters to detect and read their unique identification number. Microchips continue to facilitate happy reunions between lost pets and their families day after day.
Why Should You Get Your Pet Microchipped?
Here’s a look at some of the reasons we highly recommend having your pet microchipped:
- Permanent Identification: Collars and tags can fall off, but a microchip will stay in place for life, providing a reliable, permanent form of identification.
- Increased Likelihood of Happy Reunions: Microchips significantly increase the likelihood of reuniting lost pets with their loving families.
- Simple Procedure: The procedure for microchipping is quick, with minimal pain or discomfort, similar to a routine vaccination.
- Safe for Your Pet: Microchipping comes with an incredibly high safety record with minimal risks of serious side effects or adverse reactions.
- Affordable: Microchipping is an inexpensive procedure and can be priceless in terms of helping increase the likelihood of a reunion with your beloved companion.
- Easy to Update: Any changes in your personal information are easy to update, so if you move homes or change your number, do not forget to update your pet’s microchip records.
- Travel Requirements: Microchipping is often a mandatory requirement for traveling with your pet, especially if you are headed to an international destination.
- Proof of Ownership: A microchip provides an irrefutable proof of ownership in cases of theft, disputes, or mistaken identity.
- Peace of Mind: Microchipping your furry gives you the peace of mind that your chances of being reunited are high if your pet sneaks off or escapes.
How Are Microchips Inserted?
Inserting a microchip is an incredibly quick and simple procedure. We typically start by scanning your pet’s new microchip to ensure it is working correctly. Next, we will gently insert it between the shoulder blades using a sterile applicator, similar to a syringe. The entire process can take a minute or two to complete, all with minimal pain or discomfort.
After insertion, we will scan the microchip once again to ensure it reads correctly. The insertion site may feel a little sensitive for some time, but your furry friend should be up and about before you know it.
Registering Your Pet’s Microchip
A microchip won’t serve any purpose if it’s not registered in a national pet recovery database. If you haven’t created an account with the chip manufacturer, we recommend doing so right away. That way, you can make sure your contact information is always current. If you have any questions about registering your furry companion’s microchip, our friendly team members are always happy to assist you.
Pet Microchipping Near Me in Newport Beach, CA
Our dedicated veterinary team at Newport Center Animal Hospital and Pet Suites hopes you never lose your pet. But in the event you do, a microchip can help increase your chances of a happy reunion. We highly recommend getting your fur-ever companion microchipped if you have not already done so. We invite you to our office at 949-644-5460 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!